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My Little Pony Cosplay: How to Wings

Here is a quick and easy tutorial for making your own pony wings. I have to thank my friend @margareet for coming up with the design for these.



1 yard felt
1 yard wire (like coat hanger wire)
Hot glue
White glue
Clear elastic


1) Cut out two large wing shapes. You can design the wings however pointed, rounded or feathered as you want.


2) Cut a two smaller pieces of wings that will go over the top. Again the exact style is up to you.


3) Measure and cut a length of wire. Then bend it into the shape of the top edge of the large wing pieces.


4) With the hot glue, glue the wire to the top edge so it is sandwiched between the two large wings. Make sure to leave a small gap about 3in from the center.


5) Cut clear elastic so it is large enough to go around your shoulders. Then use the hot glue to fix the ends of the elastic in place between the two large wing pieces (in the gap you left earlier).


6) Glue the rest of the wing together with the white glue, and glue the small pieces on top (on the side not facing your back).


7) Fly!

Posted in Cosplay, How To