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The Guild Cosplay: Codex

The Guild
October 2010 

One of my early forays into Cosplay, and honestly I decided to make this costume because of the hair. Halloween the year before I had ordered a red wig to be Jessica Rabbit and of course it arrived a week after my last party. I had resolved to use the wig that year for Halloween, and then preceded watched the guild for the first time, the decision of which costume to make for Halloween was pretty easy after that. Though for the photo shoot I stuck with my own hair because of the comfort factor and I think it looks nicer!

Photographers: Jansen Hillis and Eric Thomas

I also wore Codex to Emerald City Comicon in 2011 when Felicia Day was attending, and got my photo with her!

The skirt was just a circle skit with an elastic waist band. It was made from a silk cotton blend, layered over a silk limning – both I had left over from making my sister’s wedding dress. The top was made from an old tank top, and I stained it off white with tea. The boob portion was a plunge bra that I built the cups on top (out of the skirt fabric) off. The shoulder pieces were made from linoleum to give them the strength, covered with the skirt fabric. Then it was all held together with love and lots of gold bias tape. The corset I made myself (and I promise soon there will be a tutorial). The front panel was the same fabric as the skirt with lots of interfacing, some gold bias tape and lots of hot glued rhinestones. The knee parts (and also the feet) were just cover linoleum, with some bias tape covered elastic. The necklace I found add goodwill and adorned with rhinestones and some gold painted cardboard.

Check out more images on Flickr.
Posted in Cosplay, Finished Cosplays