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Vive La Brigade: Mina Han Cosplay

Mina Han
Battle Chef Brigade
January 2018

I had a brilliant idea back when I first played Battle Chef Brigade, which by the way is a very wonderful game that I completely recommend everyone play. The idea was to host a ‘real life’ Battle Chef competition, which might be because I watched a lot of British cooking shows when I was younger.  So inspired by Ready Stead cook, Bake Off and Battle Chef I had a group of amazing streamers cook food with surprise ingredients and flavor themes. 

And of course, I couldn’t just have the event, no no, I also needed to make a cosplay for it.  So I pulled together a pretty quick Mina Han cosplay, in January and finally snapped some silly shots a few months later!

Photos taken by SourFruitJunkie and edited by me.

Check out more images on my flickr, or the full set on Patreon.

This cosplay would not have been possible without the amazing support of my Patrons.

Posted in Cosplay, Finished Cosplays